Saturday, December 25, 2004

a tender tennessee christmas

So the holidays were low-key and unstressful in the Young household. Quite enjoyable in fact, despite two of Rowan's teeth making a noisy appearance, and his Paw (my dad) having a little slip-up on Music Row. Paw's foot found a patch of ice and the curb came up to say hello in a rather abrupt manner. We could have spent the night in the Vandy ER but fortunately Paw and his bones are still all in one piece. Instead we spent the night trying to entertain Rowan who apparently was so eager for Santy Claus that he couldn't sleep from 2 a.m. until 4 a.m.

The week with my parents was great. Rowan enjoyed the presence of his doting grandparents. Some friends lent my mom and dad their apartment, and some other friends lent us their wheels (we're typically a one-car fam). Thanks to the Williams and Duckworths. We are grateful for their generosities. And we are SO appreciative to Rowan's Paw, Gram and Grammy Cheryl for traveling to Nashville for the holidays. We are abundantly blessed by our families and friends. Here's to 2004!!!


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