Thursday, February 24, 2005


Donuts can change the world. No really. They can. On Tuesday night, two friends from my life group and I sped over to our local Krispy Kreme shop to indulge in a sweet treat. In between bites of heavenly pastry, we chatted and laughed and fellowshipped.

In the same vein, our congregation's minister, Tim Woodroof, wrote these words in Sunday's bulletin, encouraging people to attend next week's chili cookoff: "You might wonder what something as trivial, silly, ordinary and insignificant as eating chili has to do with something as profound, important and transcendent as fellowship....have you noticed how truly central matters of faith often grow out of the soil of the mundane? Fellowship has always been rooted in simple activities: the sharing of food, incidental conversations, a moment of empathy, small acts of mutual ministry, laughing, hugging, hospitality, coffee....Eating chili together won't change the world, but the fellowship that is nourished by such experiences just might."

Sometimes I think Christians try to diminish the significance of fellowship. Why is that? Do we feel guilty for actually having FUN? Jesus was all about fellowship. Fellowship is where relationships are built. And relationships CAN change the world.

That said, I will continue sharing in the fried deliciousness of Krispy Kremes with anyone who will accompany me!


Blogger TMK said...

Loved this blog! I listen to KLOVE in the car and there is a "commercial" about fellowshiping. They said we are celebrating the wonderful lives God has given us. Praise the Lord for friends who share your love of God and donuts!!

3:25 PM  
Blogger MDM said...

Love it.

7:03 PM  

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