the deal with blogging
Blog envy. I've got a minor case of it. You has more readers or more comments or more links through other blogs. Or so-and-so hasn't commented on my blog maybe I'm getting boring or pessimistic.
Brandon reminded me, though, that I started this thing for work through issues of faith, God, relationships. So even if I'm not the most skilled or popular blogger out there, at least I can continue my free online therapy...and maybe encourage one or two of you in the process.
An acquaintance of mine told me a mutual friend of ours thought people who blog are "narcissistic and self-centered." Maybe. But I can say with almost full confidence that, if you're human, at some point in your life, you wear the label of "narcissistic and self-centered." None of us are immune. Some of us are just willing to admit to it on the worldwide web!
Brandon reminded me, though, that I started this thing for work through issues of faith, God, relationships. So even if I'm not the most skilled or popular blogger out there, at least I can continue my free online therapy...and maybe encourage one or two of you in the process.
An acquaintance of mine told me a mutual friend of ours thought people who blog are "narcissistic and self-centered." Maybe. But I can say with almost full confidence that, if you're human, at some point in your life, you wear the label of "narcissistic and self-centered." None of us are immune. Some of us are just willing to admit to it on the worldwide web!
Wow. How perfectly you echo my thoughts about blogging, my blog, my "envy". I still have not set up my links to other bloggers on my page. (that would probably help with readership!) When I do I will certainly include yours!
You're right that all of us are narcissistic from time to time, but people blog for a variety of reasons. The comment you heard was too general.
Jana, I click on your blog every day just to see if you have posted. Even though I don't have a blog, I am a closet blog reader. I have gotten to know more about some of you guys and gals out there through your blog that I never had a chance to know while you were in Abilene. I have laughed with you, cried with you, "Amen'd" with you, and at times thought "where is that chick comin' from?" I love it. When I have a chance to counsel others I often encourage them to journal. It is amazing the things that we are forced to process when we put them in words and write them down. You and you husband and baby boy are precious to me and I feel honored to have a little insight into what is going on in your lives. What myself and others gain from your blog is "serendipitous" (good grief, is that a word?) to your real purpose. Listen to Brandon. You are a "blessed blogger."
Little Light - You are right. The commentator's statement was a generalization. I think he's probably just jealous...he doesn't have a computer at home. Hee hee. ;)
Ed - You are so sweet! Thanks for your comments. I had to chuckle at the "where is that chick comin' from" statement. I'd love to know what made you think THAT!
All - I promise I'm not fishing for compliments. But thanks anyways.
Oh, I totally do the same thing. One week, I don't care because my blog is strictly for my personal benefit. The next week i'm like, hey why didn't anyone post comments; Am I boring? Do I smell? Then other weeks I have absolutely nothing to say and I feel like i'm neglecting my blog and letting my loyal readers down, which totally contradicts the previous sentence. Who would've thought blogging would elicit such a variety of emotions... As if I needed any more emotions to deal with!
your blog is on my favs list so I can check it out on a daily basis. I don't know how to make links on mine, so I keep a few on my favs and the Rowan Report always keeps me coming back for more. I only know you through the computer, but I KNOW we could hang out in the real, non-cyber space world. Keep bloggin' mama.
You get alot more posts than my blog so feel good. I have never gotten more than 7 posts and that included my responses.
I felt just like Amanda...where is everyone. Hopefully more people read than post. I got over the let down of few posts and write when inspired. Although my goal was to promote discussion...
Your doing fine.
I have really enjoyed your blog the last couple of months since I became a blogger. Your blog has actually sparked several interesting conversations between my husband and I (the Tom Cruise/Brooke Shields thing) and between friends and I (the Proverbs 31 post). I appreciate your honesty and transparency and feel that as Christians, it's something we should all do more of.
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